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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Little known Facebook Secret

Everyone knows that one of the great benefits of Facebook is that it provides another free avenue for advertising. Every time you post a new status it is broadcast out to all of your friends. But what happens when your friends have a large network of friends? You message has a very short shelf-life. As other people post their statuses, yours will disappear off of the page and may not ever be seen by all of your intended targets. This leads to some people re-posting the same message. But that can be a real turn off.

So today I was trying to come up with another solution and discovered that you can send messages to the inbox of a friend list. Now, this probably is not really a secret, but I really don't see people utilizing it. The only catch is that the maximum number of recipients is 20. So today, I made several new lists, each containing twenty of my potential customers. Now I can send my message right to their inbox and they can read it at their convenience.

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